sea battle level bracket!!!

pls add level bracket to sea battle...its a little bit funny because you give sea battle quest at lv 22 and at the same time doest allow players of low level bracket to join sea battle if the dont do much damade...well if u fight a lv 50 at lv 22 its ovious that you will die quickly without doing much damage...and also in the first sea battle quest you are offered a gear of lv22 if you complete the if there is no level bracket and there is restriction on entering sea battle if you dont do well in your previous battle...well then it will require us to be atleast lv30 to do good na dby then it would be useless to wear a lv 22 gear!!!
If there was a level bracket filter added to Sea Battles, then I doubt there would be enough people going to Sea battles. Heck, there is even talk of people making Alt clans for the sole reason of ensuring there is enough in queue for Sea Battles. Also, if I'm not mistaken, I've heard that there is also some sort of balancing buff given to people below 50 to raise their individual stats to that of a lvl 50. The only difference between you and them are the gear and armor choices available.

You may be doing so awful for a number of reasons

1. You dont have a bigger belt
2. You dont have skellys
3. Your dragon is very weak compared to others

If u dont have a bigger belt then of course you stand no chance
If u dont have skellies you are losing out on the extra damage they would provide


You could just have the sense to wait till level 25 when you have soldier belt available... Stick to arena, ToH 7b etc till then
lol....ok thanks for the suggestion....
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