was told to say something about bc's

i am having a issue where i cant do anything without being bcd atleast 10 times a day by the same person. i was told it is against the rules to attack same person over and over again so what do i need to do ty ( the person doing it is radiohead) .

You'll probably be told bc'ing is a in game function and told to use protection spheres.
is another one called sadistic, they are just ppl with real life issues and small ............. like to bc ppl that are weaker is sad really x
Red Dragoness,

Isn't radiohead a lower level then zendaya??? By about 8-10 levels I think
yes but hes a casher so has better gear so he picks on us who cant afford to throw our money away in a game
cant post anything true its just removed x

Nothing you can really do then other then get stronger and use spheres.
Although you mentioned a rule against repeatedly bc'ing someone I found no such rule but I may have missed it, But I doubt admins will do anything as players have bc'd people out of the game some entire clans...
dont worry hes been doing it to our members as well but we come to help even if were gonna lose, he must have been unhappy this morning lol, had 3 curses
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