Dumb Question

I know this is a stupid question but I have to ask it. Once your backpack is over weight is the only option, other than reels, to sell items to get it back underweight? I know you can purchase a room at the inn but do not have enough money.

put them on ah for 9999g though you have to pay a fee depending on how long you put that item there and what item it is

In addition to the "AH storage" mentioned above, other options include teleporting places (requires teleportation rune stone) and trading items with another character. That other character could be an alternate account of yours. Just make sure to trade at correct value and you'll be fine.

I call this "alt storage." It's good for long-term storage, such as recipes/schemes you can't use yet.
I would like to add that it still cost you silver to teleport after you get a stone, just incase you don't know and buy one then get all and bc trong "> x
Another method, that doesn't cost anything (real or imaginary), is to load the second slot on your belt with single or low count items. Just don't forget that they are there.

Selling off items is not always a bad thing. If you are level 12 and you have a few level 4 items, either use them on a nearby target or sell them.

Your best bet is make a quest for yourself and acquire the 1g50s to rent the room. That will slightly more than double your backpack capacity in a sense. It is a great way to store items that are not used very often but take up room in you knapsack.
Red DragonessI would like to add that it still cost you silver to teleport after you get a stone, just incase you don't know and buy one then get all and bc trong "> x

- Red ">

The point about using belt for low count items was an excellent point I overlooked. ">

Advise from a penny-pincher: When you put items in the tavern and don't pay the rent, they will stay there until you pay the rent - you just won't be able to access them. Because of this, I use the tavern for long-term storage of items I won't likely need in the near future. I have gone many weeks before without paying the rent - that's gold saved.

A few types of items I keep but won't necessarily need soon:

1) Recipes/schemes that I don't have enough mastery to use. By the time I have the mastery they might no longer be dropping (as was the case with the 3k recipes I'm kicking myself for selling before I knew better)

2) Marks I got in drops that are waiting for future armor pieces as I gain rank/valor

3) Leather baldric for when satin baldric breaks and I'm broke. Leather is non-transfer so I hate to get rid of it outright, so instead I keep it as a spare.

4) Full set of green dragon pieces for when blue item breaks and I'm broke. This paid off today as dragon item broke and I had everything invested in Adan quests. Grab spare part - equip, then back in business only slightly degraded.

5) Dark Rum that I won't be able to use until I get 1k Corsair Rep.

6) Blue and higher dust that I only need on very rare occasions

7) Sparks I cannot use yet, like dream since stuck getting my last appeasement

8) Shards

FWIW - that's my approach. Have a good one!
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