Repair List

Is there a list anywhere saying how much each item costs to repair, im looking at saving up for the dark hunter set and want to know how uch it costs to repair as my other gear is awful atm
If you get dark hunter gear, just be prepared to hand over your first born and life savings when it comes time to repair. It's all pretty pricey to fix.

There isn't an easy way to find out what repairs will cost for gear that you don't pretty much just have to ask someone who has the gear if you're curious. I checked the repair prices on my gear (Merciless Crusher; should be the same price to repair as Dark Hunter stuff), and it ranges from about 1.4 to 2.2g per piece to fix. Hope that helps & good luck!
damn that is quite pricey, i guess ill just have to stick to other gear then :) thanks
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