Velvet Whip8
Won Sackcloth belt, Never got it
I need help. I won 7b, and afterwards it said I received a sackcloth belt. But I don't have it. Heaven't voice didn't mention it either. I saw it, got really happy about it too.
">I was referred here by Esta. I hope you can help me find it.
Thank you in advance
I need help. I won 7b, and afterwards it said I received a sackcloth belt. But I don't have it. Heaven't voice didn't mention it either. I saw it, got really happy about it too.
Thank you in advance
You don't receive the belt once you get the required rank you simply have access to buy it.
Perhaps in your case you recieved Gladiator's Belt... the collection piece for the Shield Riser collection.
As for the person who originally posted, the time they recieved Recruit of the First Blood was just a few minutes before they created this post so I'm certain that is their confusion figured out.