Trade rules

I notice that many things sell for more than double their listed price. Crusher boots for example are listed as being 18g yeat will sell for 40-50g. hero of empire medals are listed as being 1g yet sell regular for 4-8g. There are many items that have no listed price so if there's nothing in the auction house as a guise they are technically any value you wish. Could an admin clarify for me please if I buy crusher boots at more than double the list price of 18g is that a shackable offense? It is quite an important issue as I do not wish to invest in this game only to find I wake up shackled one day.

Also if it is an shackable offense then why are so many players trading like this every day and not getting shackled. And if it isn't then why do the trade rules state it is?
Price listed on items is not actual market price. Only items that are available in shop the noted price can be considered as average. Regarding buying blue set boots for 36g - no you won't be shackled for that.
to be sure... before u do a trade or buy off ah... just check with a guard on duty
What determines market price exactly? the first item of type posted that day? It seems a very confusing set up to me and I am never sure if I am breaking rules or not and if many others are. For example, if there is just one lot of fox relic in ah and someone has done it ridiculously cheap at say 50s and i sell for 2-3g am I breaking the rules because market price is 50s? Also many things don't have anything as a guide price and if there's nothing in auction house how are we supposed to know what the market price is?
Like XXI said, if your unsure about anything, check with a guard/post in trade forum before going through with a trade :)

There has always been a lot of confusion over guide prices, it would be nice to maybe have a sort of rough list somewhere, but for now, asking around seems to be a good solution.
I would like to see a complete price list that clearly states what trading price range is for every single item. It seems most of it is pure guess work at present which makes it impossible to know if you're breaking the rules or not. I imagine many players have been shackled due the ambiguous nature of the trade rules without definitive prices known. Having asked gaurds before ingame I have zero confidence in their ability to assess prices as I once asked about inception and was told any price is OK. That didn't help me one bit.

You won't get shackled as long as you sell item within reasonable limits, such list would be hard to make for simple reason as market prices changes all the time as well as reason why auction house purchases are looked at more leeway. If you sell item for lets say 1 copper or 200 gold that would be clear violation of trade rules, while 1 copper through auction as starting bid price might be acceptable, as buyout it would not for piece of equipment. Just use the common sense when trading and you won't have any issues with rules when selling your items.
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