Unfair AoH

I was under the impression that these fights were supposed to be 2 teams of equal size hat fight to the death. I just came out of an AoH where it was 2 vs 3. one of the three was a replicant and we got totally mauled by the other side (the 3). why was the replicant there in the first place? It may be that all the other fighters were level 9 but that shouldn't make any difference.
thats precisely the reason they were level 9 meaning they had access to not as much gear as you or the better quality pots
then why is the level bracket so big then? the bracket is 9-15. if thats the case shouldnt the brackets be slightly smaller, say 9-11 and 12-15
no because giving the level 9 a chance to fight a level 15 means big valor boost to the level 9, and the roles are soon reversed as the level 9 becomes the level 15. not to mention often you get level 9's better equipped then level 15's because they haven't got the gear available to them
i must say that horned demon has a point. the roles will soon be reversed and u will get a bigger valor boost when u win. i also like the idea of smaller brackets. the brackets could use to be smaller where our access to no belts that actually give u another pot are not available. yes we have one that can give us a small boost with 8 extra space , BUT when people are maxed out on gear and a lvl 15 goes against a lvl 9? i don't think i need to explain further. and Kialandi , what horned demon was trying to say , i think , is the higher lvls on the less numbered team , outmatch the team that has one more than them. reps are used to even out the battle field. , just like the damned whatever that come to even it during DoT.
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