Trug Battle

The information says participate in all 3 battles and get the hood. I did. Where is my hood? Melvin is selling it for 5 reals. If that is what that meant then that is bs.
i participated in all 3 battles and no hood either
I second this. I took part of all 3 battles, spent hours doing it and I got nothing. I admit this does make me upset and I am sure others are too
Rewards will be distributed very shortly :)
i did all as well and only got copper i did not get what was promised
besdies the hat as the reward i see mnay other getting drops from the 3 staged battles, was there a stipulation or requirement to meet to get these drops ( same items that can be purchased from the holiday sale version of melv the merch ) ???
I participated in all 3 battles also. Many has gotten the hood but i am here still waiting on mines.
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