Bone crushing

I get bone crushed regular making it impossible to play this game. i cant even find out who is doing it cos of wraiths. I wont spend anymore money as i cannot play this when being attacked daily by wraith.

... the rich dominate in just about every game and their are plenty of ways you can protect yourself from being bc'd.
How exactly?
Tried clan that didnt work.
Dont even know why im bothering asking cos im quitting anyway lol cheap gear this weekend
use sphere of protection

rouge the same bull happened to me to in immortals . and those things r expensive slauthyseth
no they are they are 20s if that and we did help you out so what are you talking about ">
a clan is not just for protection it is for team work...if you join a clan just for protection it will never work
profiting of clan mates, of course its not gonna work, now your out there you are gonna get bc'd, so making it work in clan benefits you and clan, but you didnt make it work.
Rouge every one pitched in to assist you. You decided to be greedy and take not really give anything. There are rules to follow and be up held not just for the chosen few to get away with no matter what the circumstance. If u join a clan they expect you to follow direction, rules, and be a team player. You work on your end to help the clan .. they work on their end to help you. Not you work on your end to get what you can from the clan and try to get past all rules and direction while they help you and assist you. The reason a clan fails a player is because the player fails the clan. I sih you better in your next endeavor and hope you learned from the one you past up due to issues you refused to correct.
its not that much i sell for 25s....
slauthysethZa K1LLA,
its not that much i sell for 25s....

alot of others sell Sphere of Peacefulness "sphere of peacefulness" for 20s
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