protector quests

i have just completed my ninth protector quest and my tenth experienced protector quest in a row and not got a single trophy, WHAT IS THE POINT ???, if the people who run this game tell everyone the only way they can progress in this game at a reasonable pace is to pay for it then the people who can afford it can continue if they wish, whilst the people who can't can just do quests and arenas etc. and not waste valuable resources chasing something they're not going to get.
Hello charro,

Collection pieces you receive from protectors quests are given out in random. You may receive them several in a row, or the opposite ;)
your getting rep weather you get pieces( that are random )so the more of them the better the rep :)
i wish the "random" would be taken out of the game for collection pieces.......especially for skeletars. I have people in my clan that got all 5 pieces for first skeletar quest in under 10 fights and others that still have not gained them after purchasing in the neighborhood of 100 necromancer orbs.
I support this...I am one of those who do not get a single collection piece for the necromancy collection and I gave up, 50s is a lot of money and after a while you just loose faith. I cannot afford to use them constantly. So as result me and some other people just gave up on the skellies.

The same is for the protector pieces, I can go on for week of doing them daily and did not get a single piece, and then getting the same piece 5 times. or the gladiator collection. I heard of cases of people having one item like 10+times, but missing another and not willing to spend the reals, they just cannot gain the rep.

Or the healing collection. i heard some people are on their 4th or 5th healing kit and still missing 1 piece to be able to cure green curses, but they may have the rest double. I know patience is virtue, but sometimes the random gets bit out of hand.
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