Defilers huh

well how the hell am i gonna kill the players ( mainly the lvl 50s it seems ) who are defilers who get even more buffs besides the defiler buff and who wear almost to all purple gear its not feesable no matter which way u view it great job in ( sarcasim ) carles planning on things like this ceases to amaze me from this game, yet another un thought out idea....yay
Replicants of defiler is even mightier. We even the odds a little bit with drag summon since defiler cannot summon dragons. It is pretty close to impossible to complete the quest so I am not trying at all.
there aren't even any for the lvl 16-21 bracket. i can't even complete the killing 7 souls quest. it has a good reward too. 250 rep and 50 sparks and it's impossible for anyone lvl 16-21. wtf
it's absurd.

3 players out of the entire 29-35 bracket??


the entire bracket must kill 3 players 7 times each...? (although, no, not that simple, got to get the killing blow in arena, 7b or sea battle for it to count). Entirely horrible of any game developer to put players in that position (both those who require the kills and those who must be killed) and any devs who this gets back to (ihit - PLEASE pass on my comments) should be utterly ashamed of themselves.

ok, if this was a hugely popular game with a lot of opportunities to kill the defilers, then i'd say fair enough, but this - this is absurd to a point beyond laughable, although i have no doubt that some will be laughing at this.

Well the devs can laugh lots when i start giving my money to people who develop different games then, eh?
except for like 2 or 3 all the defender rep quests have been bogus!
I usually do not comment on this game because I love the game.This time however I spent a lot of coin doing the shaab quests and didn't mind, all part of the quest.Yet when I log on today I am a defiler and have yet another quest,which I have no huge problem with,but I was kicked from my group which had things in the pack that I had gotten in drops and could have sold for some real coin to continue playing this game.Why should we as players of the game be punished by the quests you have sent our way?
Yea this curse thing is a load of crap lost 3 members in my group because of it and had a lot in group backpack. Was there no thinking on anybody's part before this happened and if there was it was more a lack of thinking to auto kick people from groups like this. I agree something needs to be done to fix this and be compensated for items lost due to the mess.
Before they automatically make a character a Defiler, they should check with the guy first, or atleast give them a heads up... as well as describing ALL of the details to them.
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