Blight Quest

What is with this quest?! My group killed all the mobs easily and even the guards with the boss but by then we were close to dying so we of course died. In order for us to win each of our 5 group members would have to do about 8k damage and that is just on the boss alone! This quest is near impossible! ">
a group of 5 people isn't going to cut it. Are we supposed to go as a raid which has 10 people?
I just did it again and we were so close. the boss only had 2500 hp left! !!
Pathetic Quest!! Waste of time & cash & loss of Valor earning time...
i too did the heat of blight quest ang i got a tome but when i went to use it i could not find it in my bag.the group of 5 we had fought the boss 5 times so we all would have one .where is my tome? it said i received one.
you guys got full groups to try this???

oh u lucky lucky people...
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