To keep up with demand for craftign players more actinolite spots need to be created
please consider adding more actinolite spots
In order for the game to have a booming economy, we need to encourage players to craft and further their professions. If this is becoming an issue then it needs to be addressed ASAP before demand spirals out of control. My 2 cents
agreed, in fact, more mining spots period would allow more than 4 people per mastery level to mine at a time. Total amount of mines is ridiculously low.
A key ingredient in every Green level Elixir, Balm and Orb needs to be more available since the products have been eliminated from the Shop. Current prices make it impossible to make these products at a cost that is reasonable to the consumer, let alone personal use. At SOME level, crafters need to make a profit. The game has destroyed Inscription as a viable money making craft by dropping huge amounts of free marks from chests, and now Jewelry and Alchemy are in jeopardy. It won't be long before nothing is made at all.
Surturs Fire45
elvis summed things up for us higher lv crafters quite nicely.
i made a post about this 2 months ago. Nothing got done about it then either.
i agree, we need more spots
Noble the Barbaria26
I agree
mack city32
i agree it does not make since to have so few actinolite spots.I mean u guys know that there are a lot of miners which is ridiculous if peole put good money into a game the game admin should try to help the players out a lil bit. This is the key thing that keeps me away from trying to get to lvl 3 miners because u there are so few spots. I honestly doubt u guys are going to fix this problem we should not have to fight over mine spots what sense does that make???(wtf)
agreed and with the mount of new miners showing up mines are getting even harder to get an extra set or 2 of mines would do wonders maybe one in forest and one in cape then and extra logs one at the lighthouse or something
ps its made so we fight over mines but the amount of mines atm arent enough for even 1/5th of all the miners
This issue with the mines has been out for a long time, with the upgrades they did to professions like collections, its clear that a lot of players are paying attention to them, as a result the amount of spots they have available is not enough anymore.
Agreed on the mines. I'm a pretty serious crafting player but keep stalling because I can't find the resources, or when I do, the price is so astronomical that I refuse to pay it. Please consider adding more mining slots.
Please oh please add more spots. Its so hard to find and keep going with professions when you dont have adequate spots available for people to get the resources!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i agree more then ever we need more spots
agreed. we need more mines
Another idea: add at least one per-player mine per type at Pond of Tribulation. For example, add one dolomite, one tin ore, one actinolite, ... They could still be limited in amount of resources mined. This way people could still get a tiny bit of mastery and if demand is sufficient, enough people will mine this per-player resource for their needs. I know I'd slowly but surely get my resources from the pond given a chance - I did it for coal/quartz.
Surturs Fire50
trongs idea is easy simple and makes us all I happy both miner and buyers. I agree with it
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