100 Monsters- 0.20 real reward

I do not do Facebook so I guess I'm not going to get 0.20 reals for killing 100 monsters!!!!! Seems unfair. Newfie1
I agree with you, so far i lost 0.40 reals as i have turned down the 0.20 reals twice because i also do not use facebook.
when it first started i thought is was going on there facebook page. now i am stuck with having to cancel connecting to facebook everytime i play
theyshould just change it. it should be every 100 kills u get 0.20 reals and just claim the reward. there shouldn't have to be a post on fb. some people didn't link the dragon eternity and fb acounts together
How might i please cancel the box that pops up every time I finish a quest? I made an account so i could collect on the .2 reals, but forgot the password and cannot get past the catch-22 to get the password. Still, I don't want that page popping up and I'm just not a facebook Myspace, social network type, I guess.
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