Mining - worth it?

Is it possible to get anything other than coal and quartz from mining? I've just got my 1000 Mastery, and was all excited to be using the new options it gives me. But all the mines are full of people, and trying to fight a miner is impossible - they have 10k or 15k life - and that's just the lowest level ones. What's the point of letting me get 1000 Mastery at level 13 if I can't use it until level 30? Or am I missing something???

Also, I notice the price of what I'd dig up is about the same as coal or quartz? How does that happen? If only a few people can be mining the material at a time the supply must be really restricted - I'd have thought that rarer, higher level minerals would be worth a lot more.
yeah you really cant use it its basically fight for your spots you might wanna switch to farming or fishing if you dont want to fight for anything theres good money off them to
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