New Gear Coming?


This new gear that is coming, will it be an upgrade from the purple valor gear the game already has? If so, will there be some sort of refund or trade in discount for the players that already spent hundreds on purple gear?? Making our gear obsolete just isnt fair. I understand this is a business and you wanna make money, but this is just ridiculous.
I want new shoes. That aren't high heels. These ones suck.
I'm not bothered if they bring out new gear or not, I'd always figured they would otherwise levelling, gaining more valour etc will be kinda pointless. I'll just spend hours and hours farming essence to pay for it, just like I did with the blue gear I have *sigh* lol

But yeah, people spending like 400 reals, only to have to spend another what? 400? Kinda takes the piss...
Tho i am not a big reals spender i totaly agree with what Darth is saying.
I agree completely with Mez. After re-rolling and learning of the importance and impact of valor, MANY players have come to the consensus that getting the valor gear is worth it, which I totally agree with, but if they toss in the new valor gear on top of this, it would be all for nothing... People have worked to hard on there valor rank and gear to have it put aside so easily and im sick to hear that its even a possibility.
Its all about making money, not making happy players. Only those foolish enough to spend another 400$ will be happy.
That is what this game is all about. Making money.
Good thing i didnt buy purple gear save save saving for orange!!!!
you bought the purple armor which is for up to lvl 50 what did you expect when they said there will be a lvl 60 they obviously would have a new set of armor coming out either way so your armor will become obsolete either way if i was you id be more concerned about how many items have been taken out of the store its ridiculous
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