thank you

might not be the right place, but i will say it here. I recently was in the hospital suddenly and was there for a week. in that time the amount of people that contacted me or contacted those that could get ahold of me was quite overwhelming. thank you all for the concern and support. Yes this is just a game, one that i love dearly, but also the players are extremely wonderful and compassionate. This is why i play all day everyday. "> here is to all those that play, that have heart, and to the designers and admins and mods that help it run. With out you all, i would not have this wonderful area to escape my medical issues for the time. thank you and happy huntings my friends
DeMarco of Ronin
hope all is well now hun
Glad to hear that we have such caring players, enjoy and get well!
Glad your feeling better and glad to be apart of the most amazing caring clan!
If I had known, I would have said something.... anyway, get well soon! ">
dont know you but get well and god bless
Awww that is just soo sweet... Get well soon mate :)
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