Playing on a Tablet

I have an Asus Transformer Pad, but i cannot play this game on it. When i enter the game all i see is a black screen that says loading... but never loads. I was wondering if it has to do with me missing files or something else. If anyone have any information please fill me in.
Hello Leet,

I've checked specification of Asus Transformer Pad and looks like it's running Android OS. Therefor I'd like to suggest installing Chrome Beta browser on it and checking if your flash up to date.
ok thanks very much, i will try to install a chrome browser and fill you in if it works
Tried the Chrome Beta Browser....Says I need to get the latest flash, which i already have....I tried to open the flash with the chrome browser, but then the browser crashed when i click on the games tab.
Hey Leet,

Just bought ASUS TF300 myself like a week ago, and I am having the exact issue like you. Tried some applications that supposedly are able to run Web-Based games running through Flash... Unfortunately, after installing, trying, failing, and uninstalling like 10 different applications, i couldn't find a single one that would work.
I have a friend that has Galaxy notepad, and he was willing to start this game, but he can't since he can't run it on his pad.

So yeah, if anyone figures it out, i would appreciate if any of you guys let me know.
Thank you! :)
Seems like flash does not works well with mobile devices. Adobe Systems has already annouced that they has abandoned future development of its Flash player for mobile devices. There are good reasons for this but one of the key factor is because developing Flash Player for mobile browsers requires much more resources than what many developer anticipated.

So I doubt you will be able to play DE on mobile devices (devices operating on mobile OS) in the near future. Steve Jobs condemnation about Flash was right afterall.
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