Clan Tax I'm told is meant to

I received this as an answer to the question of why clans were going to be required to pay a clan tax several months ago right after the announcement of the upcoming monthly clan tax, which if left unpaid would result in disbandment of the clan. When I asked when these so called "clan advantages" were to take place i was told to keep an eye on the news. So like the faithful DE gamer I am, I kept a close eye on the news, watching for clan updates to come. I got VERY excited when i read the post about Clan Level Progression and benefits which can be found at So two months of paying clan dues later my clan reaches level 2. And while some of the things promised in the news have come to pass, Clan Chest (allows for items to be stored which become clan property) and Clan Table (allows for 10 extra members), many have not.

-- No diplomacy tab in profile which allows for creating allies and declaring war.
-- No clan areas.
-- Even though Altar has been purchased, nothing placed at altar works.
-- No ability to designate who can and cannot take thing in and out of clan chest, as it is now only chief and vice chiefs can withdraw items.

I sure I have missed a few things and that my compatriots in DE will fill in the blanks for me on things I've missed, but I have to ask.....what exactly have the dev's been doing for the last several months to justify the clan taxes and just exactly how do clan taxes "Balance the in game economy, when currently there is little to no return for the taxes paid, other than the ability to have clan property.

Can someone please help me understand this?

Inferno Elite
Flame Lord
Yes, please clarify this. We get together 10g every 30 days to pay clan tax, but cant for the life of us, figure out how it is helping us.... Why do we have to pay it??????????
-- No diplomacy tab in profile which allows for creating allies and declaring war. - Will be fixed.
-- No clan areas. - Soon™
-- Even though Altar has been purchased, nothing placed at altar works.- Is being worked on very hard so you would have access to everything clan Altar has offer to.
-- No ability to designate who can and cannot take thing in and out of clan chest, as it is now only chief and vice chiefs can withdraw items. - Treasury rights will be added as mentioned in recent 'Clan Chest' changes announcement and it will be leaders decision who to give these rights to.

And what is ~1 silver / day per member - 25 silver per month. Its barely anything, daily bonus will easy cover monthly tax even if you have less members.
clan tax is of no benefit to anyone , surely a clan tax would be kept by the clan to enable clan purchases? even tho it is of a minimal amount per player, higher players have a tendency to put more in than lower as they can gain coin quicker. a suggestion for this is to allow clans to keep a % of the clan tax which can only be used to aid purchases from clan shop

And what is ~1 silver / day per member - 25 silver per month. Its barely anything, daily bonus will easy cover monthly tax even if you have less members.

First off if it's barely anything, explain to me what it's purpose is in the first place.

Only item in list above that's fixed is Altar. Buff for XP and Valor can only be purchased with reals, am interested to see if the other buffs are only able to be purchased with reals also.
Ihit-- No diplomacy tab in profile which allows for creating allies and declaring war. - Will be fixed.
-- No clan areas. - Soon™
-- Even though Altar has been purchased, nothing placed at altar works.- Is being worked on very hard so you would have access to everything clan Altar has offer to.
-- No ability to designate who can and cannot take thing in and out of clan chest, as it is now only chief and vice chiefs can withdraw items. - Treasury rights will be added as mentioned in recent 'Clan Chest' changes announcement and it will be leaders decision who to give these rights to.

And what is ~1 silver / day per member - 25 silver per month. Its barely anything, daily bonus will easy cover monthly tax even if you have less members.

Ok I have question to your responses...

A) When?
B) How long is soon?
C) Any ETA on completion of fix?

The question is not: "Can the players afford the taxes?", the question is how is this "balancing the economy"?

I am beginning to sound like a broken record, Can y'all please fix what is broken before adding more broken stuff?
Having the text on new items, buffs, quests, etc. be in ENGLISH would be awesome, considering you guys enforce the ONLY ENGLISH rule in chat. Apply it to your updates please? I really don't understand how this can happen so often. No proof reading?

I don't speak russian and we can't copy/paste them to google and TRY to get an appropriate translation.
Fixing that, among other things, would be nice.
well clan tax and stuff i get may be the game want us 2 keep fighting for money or use more reels its all cool but the altar gives buffs only in exchange for reels is not cool at all. not every1 cant afford reels so i may suggest u cud keep options on paying in gold for younger and reelless clan members 2 enjoy the benifits
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