WRAITH lameness of an extreme degree

To WHOM IT MAY CONCERN - please make sure this message gets to the right people as I can't seem to find a contact email:

Dear game creators~

Bonecrushing invisible incognito wraith abilities - cool - I get it. But if I am in the arena of honor, minding my own business and playing the game and encounter a wraith that results in a 5 hour curse that requires I either a) lose money because I can't do anything with the balms I just paid for and used or b) requires I pay to have the curse removed is LAME to a degree I cannot even wrap my head around.

A wraith random encounter that results in said curse is forcing other players to pay you money or wait it out and not play the game. Neither of these are acceptable.

If I get bonecrushed due to the fact that I deserve it - fine. If I'm cursed for this, fine. But to have a randomly imposed curse due to a chance encounter that I have no way of avoiding is super stupid.

I have spent actual money on this game. BY CHOICE. Being forced to do so in such a fashion is insulting and makes me want to cuss in a manner that would actually justify bonecrushing.

If I ever randomly encounter a wraith again and have this same experience, i.e. if you do not modify the wraith to be non-retarded and unfair to a degree that blatantly rips people off, then I will never play this game again. Ever. If I even hear about this wraith business of unfairness and robbery happen to another player, I will also never play this game again. Ever.


None of Wraith encounters are random. Yes it might not be very polite to use Wraith and BC spheres in arena, but lets remember they are the way to contribute to Bonecrusher Reputation and in no-way unfair, enemy team has same 'chance' of having someone similar in their team who will Wraith and Bonecrush them.
I'm working on my gladiator reputation - I totally understand kicking people's butts to gain more reputation. My point isn't about being polite or the randomness of the game or even the wraith being unfair on a team - I could care less - that's part of the game.

What crosses the line is the fact that the bonecrushing curse not only potentially takes money from players (game money or reals) via losing balms or other time sensitive things that cost $ - but it also costs money to get it to undo itself. Or you simply wait it out - again costing money as I've already stated.

If you are going to have wraiths and bonecrushing just do it in a way that isn't ripping people off financially. That's my point. Be creative. Otherwise it's just slimy and unethical and blatant greed on the game creators part.

I've had my butt kicked plenty in this game. And I've encountered serious challenges and have had other players do some things that aren't very cool. But embedded, in the game, robbery justified as reputation-building or however else it's justified is complete bs and unethical. The game is supposed to be free - keep it free to and give people the OPTION to spend $ - don't sneak it in as a "fun" tactic. It's transparent and lame.
Yes, I too have no ears for nonsense such as "earning reputation" and "no-way unfair." A most certain defeat by a much higher leveled opponent without cause or provocation is unwarranted in such a game. Some people prefer to be left alone and not have their equipment damaged. But I will however wait patiently to play the game until atrocities are fixed.

Yep, if people want to be unethical/amoral, whatever. Its a shame it actually encourages lower leveled players to...not play anymore!
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