Instances - Please Queue, it's just like the Arena

Dear Dragon Eternity,

Hello and thank you again for the great game, I have been really completely immersed in it for the last month or so. However interesting it has been, there is something right under our noses that will make it even more exciting than ever. I found this particular feature, the Instances, under utilized and not very popular as well as not understood clearly.

The Instances are a queue much like the Arena of Honour, the tournament and Shadan. To join a group of adventurers going into the Skrag Caves, a player usually networks in the open, solicitating friends and fellow adventurers into joining their expedition to the caves. The Instances provide this feature without the work and bother that can creep into the fun parts. Much like queueing for the Arena.

The main difference between using the Instances and joining a group is that the Instances are for people from the same Level meaning there isn't a level range of two like in the usual groups. When adventurers of the same level queue up, the queue grows in size and number. When the adventurers enter the caves, an instance is created and the queue is now a group.

Please use this feature as it can be really pleasant and really really cool! Besides you can just jump into the caves not knowing who's coming along for the ride! ">

For that feature to work effectively you need a large player-base. That's about all there is to it.

Like if you compare arena and caves - for former you need players within a certain bracket (let's say +-3 on average), 5-10 minutes of time, full belt of consumables for one battle. For latter you need people within -+2 levels, up to an hour of time, consumables for several battles + dragon food. Which one is easier to find? And yet you still have even 7 bridges failing to start b/c there are not enough people on at certain times of the day.
I disagree. Lol! There is a really vibrant caving real estate out there! Bring me my Skrags! Arrrr.... ">
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