Good question and the answer is... it depends.
If you have the funding/cash, the easiest way is to purchase it in Auction House (AH). If not, farm it. Essence farming can get a little dry and repetitive, but it's a good way to gain a few hundred essences. To farm essences you need an "Eye" which can be purchased in the shop. Just get the correct eye that correlates to whatever essence you are trying to farm. Once you purchase it, activate it and you are on your way to 2 hours of farming.
In terms of sparks, it's based off random drops. The majority of the time you get 0 dropped, other times 1-4, and yet other times in upwards of 50. If you need essences that your class character cannot easily get, then trading is a good option. As a zerk I have access to Fire, air, and chaos. If I ever need earth I post in the trade channels to do a 1:1 trade with essences I possess. Don't be afraid to get creative with your trades. Instead of using the trade channel to sell goods for coin, you could always offer to trade it for sparks or essences to a mutually agreed upon value.
Good luck mate.

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