Material prices

Hi all,

Returning after a good while away from the game, last I recall lesser life elixirs were about 55s/100 and lesser endurance were about 1g20s/100

Just curious what the current acceptable prices are for the elixirs and all the novice gethering profession materials.


Side note, how much fighting do I need to do to be able to mine quartz/coal?? I keep getting a message about my confrontation rating not being high enough. GronkMiner is my mining alt, is there any new equipment im missing that anyone can see if im missing?
These are what I believe the mats to cost, please correct any you feel are a bit off:
Wheat - 20s/100
Strawberries - 20s/100
Skild - 20s/100
Minnow - 20s/100
Coal - 22s/100
Quartz - 20s/100
Ham - 50s/100
Jaw bones - 1g50s/100
pelt scraps - 80s/100

Also are earth/chaos/death essences all 2g/100? Wanting to use these for trading for the mats between my alts

pond is only for those in confi bracket so that means pvp best go look at other spots to mine but not pond like in old days.
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