
The guards/keepers have recently been getting a lot of requests to check others confrontation points.

Know this.. we check confrontation and trades every Sunday. When we catch foul play there is first a warning (unless its an old player who

should no better).

Second offense is jail with a gold fine. Third is jail and a reals fine. If a confrontation offender is in the top three they are jailed

with a high fine that is reduced when confrontation ends for the week.

Repeat offenders are also monitored through out the week, and jailed if caught again.

You also must remember it can take the game 15-45 minutes (sometimes even longer) to post new points, so while it may appear as though

players are cheating with a big jump in points it is simply the game catching up.

There have even been a few occasions when a few points have been rolled over into new week.

I did check at the beginning of this week and the only ones with points were the glytch ones, the one with the name I can not spell and destrutor.

I hope this answers some of your questions.


Some of you are asking questions about some of the price changes.

Because of the loss of gold all players now have, some prices have been reduced to allow player the ability to buy things.

We watch ah and we we observe items not selling we have suggested lowering the price. With lower level gear much easier

to get now if priced to high its not going to sell. I might suggest if you can sell it and its dustable you may want to go that way,

every one needs a lot of dust.

Another issue:

Many people in the game have those they do not like...this is a given, happens all the time..

We have been asked if a player for what ever reason (internet connection, lag, or just plain hatred) dies in a short period of time is this is a


It is not, we can not control players vendettas, if this was a violation then we would have to punish those that stall a fight for 15 to 30+

minutes, or constantly bane fellow players out of arena.

Hope this helps

Thank you

About trading. I'm trying to understand
Sometimes I ask questions about the price of items.
Guardians write me a price, they write that a ban is lower than this price.
Is it impossible for me to sell what I do not need below their price?
Or I can not buy below their price?
Here is an example:

The guards write that the price of these pieces is 2 gold.I can not buy for 1?)
I think the issue with that was buying for a cheap price and selling that item for a higher price, this is what we are trying to avoid, we want all players to be able to advance.
You also must remember it can take the game 15-45 minutes (sometimes even longer) to post new points, so while it may appear as though players are cheating with a big jump in points it is simply the game catching up.

This week my points have taken 2+ days to be added, in fact last year and earlier this year I was not getting any points (I did not see anyone complain that I was not getting any).
piddles,I do not have altos, I do not resell.

Same, gave up caring about points completely. Wish they were gone personally.

Same, gave up caring about points completely. Wish they were gone personally.

I know how you feel, I never did it for point I did it for valor
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