Thanks and good bye

Thank you everyone for some good time we spent together. I really need to stop playing as it consumes too much of my time, which I can spend for some other things. Initially, I planned a month or two of a game for my study. The experience went out of my control.
Maybe one day, when I have enough time and money (and this game still exists), I will return. It is not too probable, but possible. Not now, though.

Still, I wish to thank you, people. I have collected enough observations about players of all types, and enough data for my hobby (I am a fiction writer, so don't be surprised if one day you happen to recognize yourself in a novel). See you, I have lots of writing to do.

Спасибо всем за время, проведенное вместе. Может, еще свидимся.
Best of luck on your novel.

Андрюха, мы ждём тебя всегда и будем рады), удачи и звони если что.
Cheers and good luck
Удачи и возвращайся поскорее!
I wish you all the best!
Good luck with your novel, its been great playing with you when we were clan mates, all the best in what you do.
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