Take away beacons...
Sailing is boring ashell now with beacons on every island... let us get compensation for the beaconswe have now then have everyone fight for the mines... that way noobs and high lvls get a chance of getting syd if they willing to put the effort and time into it... long story short islands was 100x better without beacon's so let's take them away!!
it took longer to sail from farthest islands, more fun,
it was clear where the fights were happening,
we had more hideouts
the only drawback was hoarding, but, im sure you guys can do something against that. (shared hideout for the whole clan , e.g. ?)
for those who want old system back:
- clans could have 10 mines 100sydian/2hrs
- there can be 1-2 clan own all mines as maximal number is 20 mine totao in archipelago.
- lets see in 6hrs with old system if you own all max 10 mines= is 1000×3=3000 how 6hrs in new island its 900 only. but with old system, bigger clans become bigger, smaller clans wont progress. i dont believe that mines wont bedistributed how they was in old days (half elis, half hf)
i think take away beacons, but with the new island system when each clan can own max 2 mines (or 3 or 4 if attacking smart), and stop joke with hide islands for days, yesterday i found a flosar sinking.... with no beacon set, and no miner running. none can convince me, that with many sailing out there, none could find that island for 2 days. i believe what dreidan say about 6 islands unclaimed, but we never meet them, thats sure too... or they would be set already... :D