This happens to both sides, all day long. Please stop with the Red vs Blue accusations of alts and spies. Admin/Council should investigate all links for SB and ROAC once set up, but obviously have other things to get worked out first.
The mixed SB will hopefully solve a lot of the trouble these alts cause.
Tiggy, you are an Alt.
Amherst , lol ))) tiggy this is admins prank )))
Grrr not posting
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Hopefully they just check it out. Ihit did say before more often than not it isn’t an alt. Just someone who didn’t know the player rules that we all kind of made , minimum belt and mount. I like to win of course, but if it was unfairly done so, don’t think it is much worth it.

Lol there we go, screen was going a little nuts on me.
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