Please check this sadars alts...


They always join sb and roa fights only for help win sadar side!!!
And i think its 1 person, they both do always in one time hop and fights....maybe and with main from sadar if it roa or sb!
Hope any of admins check it, and shackles them, i tired of that feeders shit

It was last roa with them.....
Doesn't even matter if they are alts anymore, as long as the mains aren't in the same fight. I can think of at least 4 fight links in the last few months that have had known mains in with known alts of their own and I haven't seen any shackles for it, so maybe there aren't even rules against that anymore.
What about 9th alts? Want me to list them 1 by 1 ?
Storm Kat is correct, and in general most of reports were just undergeared people anyway not actual alts.
P H A N T O M, i dont know about valor alts nothing, but this toons always make valors teams week
Storm KatDoesn't even matter if they are alts anymore, as long as the mains aren't in the same fight. I can think of at least 4 fight links in the last few months that have had known mains in with known alts of their own and I haven't seen any shackles for it, so maybe there aren't even rules against that anymore.

- Entering same fight with two or more of your characters including sailing on same ship in Archipelago., so it not working?

So Storm is correct that mains in with known alts of their own and I haven't seen any shackles for it, so maybe there aren't even rules against that anymore.

Ihit, please clarify, is that action (joining fights with an alt) allowed? At this point, really alts are not in control any longer (people have obviously created other accounts and toons in those accounts since you are obviously not checking IP addresses). So it seems that the "rules" are no longer an issue. please let us know.

2nd part of that, if they are undergeared, are people supposed to be banned for not doing enough damage? or is that "rule" also thrown out?
No there are no fights where i see same person with both main and alt - there are sometimes fights where it's either one though.
Ihit, If we send you fight links in game, will you still see them even though you don't log on?

that is not an answer. and by alt, are you looking for more than one account? Come on, let's not say i see no evil, i hear no evil game. It is ok to just say the rules are done, and let it be. We have made suggestions on how to address the alt thing, but the Admins choose to let it go. That is fine, but then make it ok for all to cheat then. As Storm said, we have all sent you links showing it, but since no action is taken, then it seems that it is ok. What is not fair is if some get to cheat and others are not allowed to (or are trying to follow the "rules" and are suffering because of it).

I have long said alts should only be allowed to be gather's, no hop, no red bag, no money, real drops, no battles, no bc, no hex, no sadar or vaalor, nothing. Make it so you get one main. Wish to change, make it like changing sides, pay, and you can set another toon as your "main" that would take all the issue away, and maybe Wed and Saturday would not be hex day.

Admins need to take the blinders off, and take a real look at what is happening to the game.

It doesn't matter what e-mail account is registered to when looking if people enter fights with more than one character, i can't reveal too much info to not jeopardize the ways i can see how/if players do this but let's just say usually reported people are just under geared people and are not in any way connected to any other players you know. In 1% of situations it's the opposite and i have punished high level people in past for it as long as you report it.
And why are under geared or not enough damage being punished?
The way admin check if toon is an alt is not a secret. They look at the IP Address but people can and do cheat. Most smart phone have their own data plan aka IP Address and they use their house WIFI or a public WIFI and wala unpunished cheating.

cant win with that feeders too
Amherst, shall we talk about all the piiep alts that go to bgs? or shall we talk about about how TOO is now deathknight? lol says 9th that have multiple alts....and that's just in clan...3 harleys lol

ThisNsihT, you are becoming boring with you bs about how you keep saying servers are merging
lol really i want know who that crazy?
-2 in sb its not much???
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