Death of AH

So I basically believe the auction house is a dead part of the game. After being away for a little while I noticed prices of almost all items have sky rocketed to just idiotic amounts. Things I use to pick up for 15s are now 5-6g. Reason? I think the amount of gold earned via hops in arena increased gold in game, which drives prices up. Also change in sydian gear material drives up dust. More players stagnate at 70 only ess farming because not much else to do. Etc...

What do you all think? I'd rather work at providing thinks myself via toons or just grinding then pay any prices.
There's another issue. Too few mid level players that you barely see blue and purple schemes and recipes for example in ah. But yeah, prices are a bit over the top. However, I'm glad battlegrounds are going and islands are back to some degree. I still miss dot and the dot drops but the general action is better at least. My 2 coppers...
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