Lighthouse battles & wraiths

Combat tab says who is in the fight with the lighthouse keeper, but show only wraiths in the fight. Seems to defeat the purpose of us all being wraithed
If you're wraithed Heavens Voice message won't notice other clan who is attacking. If you're not they will receive message with attackers name so while small there still is a reason to wraith before attacking a LH.
not really.

If all it takes, is for them to hop on a ship and be there in 3 minutes to look at combat tab - its just a waste of money then. There is no way to defeat the keeper and defenders within 3 minutes for someone not to see who is attacking....unless of course most the clan is asleep.

but then again I would never attack anything because I am a coffee loving hippie
So use a wraith sphere & problem solved? A wraithed wraith
I think the wraith idea is really neat to make it easier to attack if you so choose, or defend and also they made it much harder to steal a mine. It's a great update so easier for people to obtain sydian
I appreciate the wraith idea too. So far all the island updates have been very nice. Thanks Ihit and all other game folks, this feels like you heard all the drama and complaints and have done a great update to fix many problems.
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