Looking Ahead To Final Shaab Fight

Is it going to be like last year where there's not enough absorbed damage on the non-defiler side so we won't get quest complete and have it be a complete waste of time or have the admins prepared for this and have a load of mobs ready to join the non-defilers?

Otherwise this event is going totally downhill..First boss fight there's no mobs, second boss fight will probably have no mobs, and final fight will be the same which is defilers win unless something has been changed.
What's the point of having this event if we can't even complete half of the quests?

So my question is..has anything been changed or planned so we can get the final fight quest completed or should I just not show up and spend my time elsewhere?
I'm doing the latter
Well, you got your answers. A waste of time and resources.

To iHit: Would like to have at least one Eye of the Abyss replaced for compensation. This is the SECOND event in a row that I have used and Eye of the Abyss for Dark God Hammer, received top damage in event, and have no reward. The amount of time and money put into these two events deserves some compensation. Please acknowledge.
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