Harley the racist

03:11 you are a jon brown

nice insult harley....first of all this is a game, 2nd why would you reference skin colour at all? You have just exposed yourself as the true redneck lunatic I have always suspected you were. Truly disgraceful.

as for your comment john brown was opposed to slavery. Most people have moved on...why can't you?
pretty sure you are the disgrace
Racist comments (and not the first time Harley has said something that crosses the line of racism and discrimination) are unnecessary and very disgraceful. Please do not support that type of behaviour by attacking RF instead of educating Harley.

This is a multicultural game, comments made to insult someones race or religion should lead to very long silences.
Storm Kat,
Storm... now, who gets silenced the most. Apparently RF does not share all the names he calls others. While i agree this is a game, and personal attacks are not needed, calling one player out while ignoring who generally starts these tifs is just plain dumb. You can all say 9th starts it. I am ok with that lie if it makes you feel better. RF accuses me of all kinds of things (RF, you got that message from ihit saying it was not true right?), and i brush most of it off. Storm, you wish to stir the pot, it is cool.
"You can all say 9th starts it. " I never said anything like that at all. Here, I'll repost what I wrote so you can read it again:
......Please do not support that type of behaviour......... comments made to insult someones race or religion should lead to very long silences.

There is no Ninth vs Elitists when it comes to racism, EVERYONE is held to the same standards In My Eyes. You can play all the favorites you want, I won't tolerate it and would timestamp my own clan mates for comments along those lines. Keep the racist and other discriminating comments to yourself.
Lol.. Rf has called me worse..and that's a fact. He loves playing the victim after her starts stuff.
John Brown is a person's name and has nothing to do with the abolitionist, slavery OR a person's skin color. Try again.
Care about what other people think and you will always be their prisoner. -Lao Tzu
Sorry but this was a waste of time reading.mmtwo people with the least integrity in the game atta king someone who actually helps just about anyone who asks for help. Same old elitist crud. Have to assume RF lost another fight cause that's the only time he makes a fuss.
Don't see the point of this post... we get it. You hate Harley like the rest of the game hates you. You aren't winning over anyone. We know what kind of player you are and the people who like you like you. Most don't. You aren't winning new friends lol. To call this racist doesn't make sense to me. I'd like to see the whole convo to understand it. Assumed you saved with it that informative timestamp.

For people who don't know John Brown was actually against slavery and has nothing to do with racism. John Brown in 1859 tried to take a group of slaves to attack Harper's Ferry (a gun/ammunition depot) to free slaves. It failed and he was later hanged for the crime. What it did do according to some was give a spring board for the america's Civil war. It was the spark. I know this because I grew up a town over from where he was born. History in your area is kind of drilled into you.
There is a lot of people who will try and start this crap... I've seen a lot of this in main chat and people trying to get rises out of others and then when they get called stuff and get called out they play dumb and try to make it seem like they didnt do anything. This kind of stuff ticks me off along with the racism this person said. Although Harley said this racist thing, RF (I've heard) also has said crude things as well making them both at fault. I think if you are gonna make a forum saying that they said something and that you are innocent you should make sure your also not saying anything you shouldn't.

Different people play this game for different reasons. You mention one of the reasons, trying to get a rise out of people. I just love to see how selfish people are and that selfishness is destroying the game and they do not even realize that. I keep on playing cause I too have a reason or two for playing.
I have avoided posting in this forum topic for over a week. But after a 20 minute discussion with RF tonight I decided to speak my mind. RF went on anothe tantrum tonight bcing folks 20 levels or more below him. Why, the accuses his favorite enemy of attacking a level 21 from his clan.. Rather than attack the cause of his concern. He goes on another rampage. When challenged on his action he goes off on the whole Harley is a racist issue. The sad thing is that even if the comment was made and I am notmsuremone way or the other. Apparently RF hasn't a clue who John Brown was. The man was a dedicated abolitionist who firmly believed in the equality of the races. Nothing racist about him. His downfall was that he believed the end justified the means and he attacked and killed five innocent meant at a federal armory.. So the insult would be accusing RF of attacking people who are innocent of the wrong he wishes to see righted. Admittedly, I am only a history teacher so I could be reading my textbooks wrong. But apparently trying to explain history to RF makes me sound just like Harley. So I am now a redneck and a southern racist.. Ormsomimwasmcalled in our discussion. Call me old fashioned , but if you have a problem with someone... Take it up with them. Don't use it as a lame excuse to take out your frustrations in life on people you can push around. In my school we call that being a bully. And as RF already harassed my about my inability to spell..... Please forgive any typos. The iPad touch screen is really hard for someone with y my limited vision.
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