Congratulations to Chafed Panda

After a LOT of hard work healing everybody on the server, I'm proud to announce that Ninth's very own Chafed Panda has completed the Legendary Surgeon Healer collection and can now heal black curses. Congrats, Panda! And, I'd like to extend a very warm thank you to Elitist, and in particular their clan leader, for making it all possible. ;)
hear hear ">
Grats Panda! Regardless of any clan/faction feelings, that is a big accomplishment.
hear hear? more like ">
Congratulations Panda :3 piles of cuddles for you! ">
Congratulations!!! "> ">
Great job congrats
Well achieved
geat job been 6months since i got red only 1collection piece in black in 6months
"healing everybody on the server"
">">well done
wow gratz panda
@briskit I haven't cursed red in a very long time so nothing to do with me...but keep up the usual 9th bs
almost 2 months ago mate
Well done Panda! Your the BOMB!">">
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