A wondrous lock

A lvl 38 entry quest..has anyone the combo for the moon lock ? been at it since yesterday and just cant find the right combinaton...help, plz !
Does that one have 4 moons to put in the right order? I can't remember the combo, but it helps to give the description on forum as many of us will not remember the name of the quest :)
Yes, thats the 4 moons quest. tried every astronomically possible combos, unastronomically etc..but starting to think that there just isnt any combo, that the quest is faulted. So far tried over a thousand different ways
Quest works, I remember doing it. Hopefully someone remembers the trick to it and replies here. Good Luck.
Thx..luck is needed as logic wont work :D
Check the comments on quest inside library ;)

By Ironic:
the bottom right is full, bottom left 3/4 full, top right 1/2 full, top left 1/4 full
Thank you very much !
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