clan emblem

we had this emblem and along come another same all the way to color this has caused a lot of problems for me. 1 every time a clannie from the other clan does something wrong I get many complaints 2 we are getting hexed because of other clans actions 3 a
lot of insults and threats r fling my way because of their actions I need this address soon change color or emblem I really don't care witch thank you for your time clan silent dread leader spank-me ">
There are 4 clans with that emblem, though 1 is vaalor. It would make more sense to lock an emblem to a clan and not let other clans use the same one. This is a flaw and I hope admin fixes it for free for the clans involved.
I see the 4 clans, but two are Sadar and two are Vaalor. But the main point is true: why is it even possible for two clans have the same emblem?
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