I have the bag of gold and. Prosperity

All I am getting for. Playing is 19. Or 21 pennies. I'm not receiving and gold or silver for competing. Is there something wrong. Can y'all check my game to see why I'm not receiving any gold. Thanks.
There is no guardian to ask my question at this time. I'm loosing all my garuug bag. For,plaing. Please let me know something soon please
were you in a group pack? were you getting a message "reward has been reduced"?
I am having same issues and it is not a group issue because I am alone. I did the swarm two days ago and got around 9k damage but got no silver when done when I normally get 50 to 60 silver for that amount of damage. I fought in the 7b and did significant damage and my side won.. result in 8 7b rep (suckey for sure) and only 259 valor. This is the worse result of winning I have ever seen. What is going on??? Was there a change or a glitch??

"I am having same issues and it is not a group issue because I am alone"

You can still be in a group, even if nobody else is in it with you. If you were in a higher level group and everyone exited but you then you will be fighting as the higher level. Make sure you're not in a group, either try to exit, or even create and then exit a new group.
haven't had anyone else mention less 7b or valor. Was the fight against all people lower level? Lots of factors in how much is awarded, damage vs players your level or higher being the most important. It is entirely possible to do a large amount of damage and get very little reward, if your damage is against lower levels, summons, and replicants.
Both Glean and Storm Kat summed up pretty nicely.
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