Iron Ring

OK, quick one.

Iron Ring has been running for a while and from what I can gather is very unequal depending on the mechanoid chosen and I would like to know if its just me or if I am right.

I have a loader, I have had all upgrades for ages and completed the Iron Ring 3 times, a friend chose a steamdroid, they got there upgrades after me, don't do the iron ring as often yet have completed 10 times.

Is this typical? am I unlucky? am I just rubbish? and how does the driller compare?

Thanks in advance for your input ">
I do agree, I have all the gray upgrades and the blue damage one. Problem is that I do not do any more damage than when I had no upgrades whatsoever. Which I believe is weird sinde the description says that I should be dealing more damage.
Sure you do also getting acid generator and using mana stance and placing DoT is sometimes far more important than weapon upgrade.
Steamroid i cant tell but the other two ones are about even in average coins gained
Yes but shouldn't I be doing more damage with blue damage-increaser than with the gray one?

Completing the tournament has nothing to do with choice but gear and bit of luck occasionally. And by complete the ring do you mean they have won all 12 times?
It wasn't me talking about completing it, my armor is still much too weak to do so. But I do think that rajabi meant doing all 12rounds with completing it.
But my question remains: doesn't the blue damage item increase damage more than gray one? Because I don't see any difference with my mechanoid.

Remember that damage has range it works in and depends on which Mechanoid you are against. Loader mech in general has lower damage than other two however it has counter-attack ability that damages the enemies. Hence the difference in damage between this mech and other two.
Okay, ty.
I think this has gone off from what I wanted to know: just how often does someone with a fully upgraded mech complete all 12 rounds? although Ihit has given me a hint, loader may have counter attack but it doesn't seem to make enough difference at levels 10 - 12.

Thanks Clara for your input.
RajabiI think this has gone off from what I wanted to know: just how often does someone with a fully upgraded mech complete all 12 rounds? although Ihit has given me a hint, loader may have counter attack but it doesn't seem to make enough difference at levels 10 - 12.

Thanks Clara for your input.

I was able to complete it without complete upgrade so it is possible but when I did it I had orange armor, you probably need at least that
RajabiI think this has gone off from what I wanted to know: just how often does someone with a fully upgraded mech complete all 12 rounds? although Ihit has given me a hint, loader may have counter attack but it doesn't seem to make enough difference at levels 10 - 12.

Thanks Clara for your input.

I have my mech fully upgraded, I win all 12 rounds probably a little more than half the time... as Ihit noted it takes a bit of luck as well. Oh, I have a steamdroid.
what do you get finishing the 12 rounds? just curious as I have just got my mech
You don't have to pay 50s to repair it and a cup in your gifts tab
RajabiYou don't have to pay 50s to repair it and a cup in your gifts tab

Thanks wonder if it is worth the effort then
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