Last Adan Boss fight

Could the defilers please make sure for next time that this is a fight they have to loose so everyone including them can finish the quest. Twice now we nearly lost and that would be a redo which most do not want. You would have thought we learned our lesson from last time obviously not.
Hello Nooberix,

Just for point of reference so this thread does not get crazy, the best way to kill the dragon is to have the defilers get damage. I just so happened to be a defiler this time but prefer not to be one. People started complaining so early we all nuked ourselves and the dragon had so much health it caused minions to keep dropping. In other battles like this, defilers had to wait for boss to die before they could die. If that happens you wont see the amount of minions you saw today and the chance to lose the battle.
I agree but there was no need to drop cursed ones and all the other stuff that was dropped by the defilers. I know we have to find a balance but this is twice now that we nearly did not make it. Surely we all did not want to go through this again. Hopeing this thread might get us to find some sort of balance.
Maybe I'm the only one that finds this ridiculous, but isn't DE basically forcing the Defilers to rig a fight in order for everyone to get the quest done?
It doesn't really matter how much defilers summon or buff.
To win this battle as non defilers, we must eat enough damage. Dragon has 680k. We must eat 6.8 M damage, such that the dragon dies.
It is not important who deals this damage. If we do not have enough cannon fodder on our side to absorb this damage, we lose.
It is nice of defilers to die once the dragon is dead such that we only have to absorb just 6.8 M damage instead of 6.8 M + all defilers damage after their dragon is dead (which can be a lot depending on how many pots they have left).
If you don't want a redo, best option is not to join fight just to "do my 5k and die" , but try your best and live as much as you can in the fight. So the fight is actually in the hands of the non defilers.
Considering this is a supremacy fight even low levels have a good chance to deal good damage.
No offence Pearl but not everyone has 2-3 hours to waste on a boss fight . If you do then good luck to you wasting your 2-3 hours on a mind numbing fight which you have little chance to win. I play the game to fight ( win of course as much as I can ) and have fun. Not kill myself by boredom.

NooberixNo offence Pearl but not everyone has 2-3 hours to waste on a boss fight . If you do then good luck to you wasting your 2-3 hours on a mind numbing fight which you have little chance to win. I play the game to fight ( win of course as much as I can ) and have fun. Not kill myself by boredom.

The fight lasted 3 hours but nobody was there 3 hours. If you are a defiler yes it takes more time. I was in fight only 15 minutes.
To win this battle as non defilers, we must eat enough damage. Dragon has 680k. We must eat 6.8 M damage, such that the dragon dies.

Are you saying the damage from the summons actually helps kill the dragon? I have to agree with Nooberix here, there were a lot more summons this time, and therefore, people like myself, took a LOT of damage from mobs, not players. I did my best, but when being up against skellies and cursed and omins and minions for most of the fight, I do not believe most the damage done to me was applied to the dragon. Perhaps I am wrong. Also, players could have turned off the courage orbs and let us heal more. Many of us have heal corsair spells, but getting mass crits did not leave us any opportunity to heal with them.
Its simple, Defilers go in at half strength so they don't crit kill before non-defilers have used all their pots. Ranged weapons on the boss as they do full damage, kill minions as quick as possible as their damage doesn't come off of boss. Do not attack defilers unless they are against you. When boss is dead then all defilers make like lemmings and suicide. (And yes I do know that is a myth).
Ranged weapons do not do full damage on boss. Any damage done to the boss is reduced by 99%
i think it is a stupid fight ,, how much fun is it to fight ,knowing what the outcome needs to be side has to lose so all can win . and to top it off because the defilers *lost* they get a 22hr curse that reduces their dmg by 25% ,, once again i say a very STUPID FIGHT!!!!">

NooberixI agree but there was no need to drop cursed ones and all the other stuff that was dropped by the defilers. I know we have to find a balance but this is twice now that we nearly did not make it. Surely we all did not want to go through this again. Hopeing this thread might get us to find some sort of balance.

I understand about the summons and I actually agree but my point is that we all started to die before dragon was killed and that allowed the non-defilers to be overwhelmed with minions. People began to panic way too early. That is actually what made this fight take longer than it should have.
Actually they do. I'm not sure if this is intentional or not though. The bleeding from splitting strikes does not do full damage however.

... That curse is idiotic sounding. That's one of the more severe statuses I've seen in here and it sure won't help the defilers build their gold supply back up after all of the PvPing.
Lux the Sarcastic,
Really? Isn't that counted as physical damage?
Yes but the effect doesn't work on them for some reason. Alt stole forum post but I'm too lazy to go correct it.
Lux the Insane,
Hmm I'll ask Ihit today . Plus you lazylady! ">
Pretty certain ranged weapons worked on boss, but even if not use on minions. We need the defilers so we can cause damage to the boss, the more the better. The problem occurs when defilers kill toons before they have done the maximum damage they can and when they get bored and suicide before the boss is dead.
A note to admins...I wish this fight had a safety net. When the Adan side drops below 10 players or something, have the game spawn 100 villagers or something to go die to the defilers (the same way that minions are spawned on the defiler side). Our server doesn't have a zillion players like terra, and so we have a legit chance that even if we get lots of participation, we'll simply be unable to complete the quest.

This would make being a defiler more fun, as defilers could just go as crazy as they please trying to max out their damage and it would get rid of the concern of trying to dig up every single character on the server to die and get the quest done on the Adan side.

Just a thought...

I had fun, but would obviously prefer less.... hangy-in-thebalancey-thingy feeling. Otherwise, I like shaab and can't wait for the next event. I want my new shiny pony to ride. Meow.
Lance Corpus,
+1 safety net is a great idea. then no rigging, no complaining, go in and show off everything.
Throw in an ihit replicant and make everyone happy
Storm Kat,
Whatta bout real Ihit wit his Gloomy Belt!">
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