game play question

I Have been plaing the game for a month, My berserker character is level 15. Why do level 6 creatures rountinely damage my character more than I can damage them. I have tested yhis over and over. When I go up againts creature nearer my level
monsters pretty much always do more damage then you or the game would be too easy, you have more hp and the use of pots and orbs which give you an advantage over enemies, even monsters my level do more dmg then i do and i have good gear
u need better gear. for the beginning there is cheap grey gear in the ingame shop, but in long term u will need higher level green or better gear.

yeah and using orbs significantly increases ur dmg

edit: no offence but this belongs in the tavern secting and not in the bug section
Moved to tavern.
In simple terms gear scales better than simple stats you get from leveling up. So get a better gear to have an easier time with monsters.
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