New People

hey ! just an idea...since we have alot of new players from the merge how about lets help them understand the "rules" here on this server and not be grumpy! we were all new once so lets help them !
just sayin'
kindness doesn't cost a thing and it will make them feel better and we can all get along !
anger accomplishes nothing !
gotta show some love !
Lol, rules. I've always loved how clans and people on here make player rules. Often to "save themselves money"

If this is to be helpful I would think the so called player rules, which everyone has their own understanding of them would help them more, however I suspect they have that down by now

Player rules kill LUNA, Player rules kill AER, I wonder who is next?

People are not spending money on vigiliant guard orbs to upgrade skellies no more.
I see a level 56 with a level 32 dragon, that means they are not spending money on buying essense or dust to upgrade dragon lvl and abilities.

There is more but players rules say I can type no more.
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