Nice Game.. played a lot the first 3 days.... but then the P2W struck hard

Well, as the topic states I started a Char 3 days ago and grinded my way to lvl 12 with PvE and Questing. Love the concept, like the game which is important to me if I want to stick with it and actually think about spending some money on it.
To be clear about the money part: I respect the fact, that the developers and publishers deserve their money and am willing to pay my due if I play regularly. The possibility to spare time and get some special gearparts with real money is completely fine.

Goal for today was to get some valor points at the arenas. And there the Pay2Win Axe hit me hard, literally.

I mean seriously?
A lvl 11 Charakter with 3000HP and 400 Damage crits dominating the lvl 9-15 Arena just because he spend some money on an offer?
(My lvl 12 with buffs has below 1000 HP and I'm lucky to scratch the 100 Damage with most of my attacks)

Thats a little too overboard for me. P2W at its finest. That guy couldn't lose even if he tried.">

So I wanna say thx for the nice expirience the last couple of days, but under these circumstances I'm out



A character with 3k Hp? His name would be "Replicant -------" Its not exactly P2W

~2900+ HP with buffs, was lvl 11 when i fought him today
Yeah the 3k one has to be a Replicant. They are computer controlled "copies" of other players to get arena e.t.c. on equal numbers. they have increased life and dmg to negate the fact that they neither take any potions nor any orbs. In almost every case the replicant is weaker than the actually player. Further on ur level the (semi)p2w weapons are only slightly better than the f2p green ones on higher level there is a significant difference between the f2p and the p2w gear but its fairly possible to get almost all of the real money only stuff by ingame "real" drops and later in the game by trading gold for "reals" with clan mates


~2900+ HP with buffs, was lvl 11 when i fought him today

u sure it was not "replicanxXxHerculesxXx" and that aren´t even really pay to win weapons as u can buy the collection pieces to acquire these weapons with gold from other players or drop them from arena/7b etc battles
No I'm not sure, as I said I've been playing for 3 days so I wouldn't call myself an expert ;)

I am only sure about the fact, that I played 4 or 5 AoH and the Bridge Thing matches and it didn't matter how many lvl 14 or 15 Chars where on the teams, that guy was the last one standing in every match.

btw, the exclamation mark means the thread is reported?
For what?
JumpaNo I'm not sure, as I said I've been playing for 3 days so I wouldn't call myself an expert ;)

I am only sure about the fact, that I played 4 or 5 AoH and the Bridge Thing matches and it didn't matter how many lvl 14 or 15 Chars where on the teams, that guy was the last one standing in every match.

btw, the exclamation mark means the thread is reported?
For what?

The exclamation mark means that the thread has a high activity not that its reported.

Clara Korn
The exclamation mark means that the thread has a high activity not that its reported.

thx 4 info :-)
Yes this is a free to play game, but it is also a business. Games are meant to be enjoyed so you can gradually improve. Most peeps get antsy and want to improve faster so they pay, not to win but to improve quicker and hopefully have more fun. Apple is doing its part to promote DE with game center and all. Jumpa is an example of a brand new player, but the problem is with old players using alts with ALL blue gear forcing peeps like Jumpa to say adios. I am pretty sure it is not a replicant, it was someone lower level that is clanned. DE staff want this game to diminish, slowly and gradually it will.
ThisNsihTYes this is a free to play game, but it is also a business. Games are meant to be enjoyed so you can gradually improve. Most peeps get antsy and want to improve faster so they pay, not to win but to improve quicker and hopefully have more fun. Apple is doing its part to promote DE with game center and all. Jumpa is an example of a brand new player, but the problem is with old players using alts with ALL blue gear forcing peeps like Jumpa to say adios. I am pretty sure it is not a replicant, it was someone lower level that is clanned. DE staff want this game to diminish, slowly and gradually it will.

as a level 50 u should have understand that game well enough that even with full blue that amount of health is just straight up not possible on that level
Can confirm it was a replicant you fought and as others mentioned they have increased health pool and damage due to fact that they cannot use orbs or healing potions/elixirs.
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