
Maybe Not but worth a try.... thinking for Christmas it would be nice if there was peace in Adan. No war for Christmas day let it be a time for family, friends and laughing(santa)

As I said just a thought">
we can only hope dear
I like it ">
(black_beer) i agree
Peace in a fighting game? Nah, I'd rather have an exciting bc fight.

But Merry Christmas to all! (santa)
agree hope all have a great Christmas and have fun in real life for the day with family and friends
hope no one declares if do lol
It could happen..On Christmas, wars? Why? I approve of this, there should be peace and goodwill
here's a thought, only red and green curses for the week? And don't forget your jolly Ho Ho Ho, Merry Christmas, when you kill me please (santa)

But, I do think it would be nice for DE to give us a 1 week break, immunity to all clans, for the holidays. Most people have other things to do this week. ">
Yea I also agree merry Christmas everybody!!!(santa)
I agree :) Btw, Ho Ho Ho, im SanTy ClaAUsE!!
You must be fat with a beard and have a wife.
"> -_-
Farmville is peaceful
Sorry just wanted to use hike emote. lol
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