Why is blue gear warriors third class citizens?

Administration is trying to make the game fun for high level players. They have implemented various quest, spells and group activities to try and spur interest back. They even make sydians easier to attain, but for purple gear eaters. Green gear has zikkar. How about the blue gear peeps? Everyone has ideas to spur arena from high level players. Re-arrange the brackets. 8 levels apart in the same bracket is way to much of a difference. The argument for having such a long range is because it is difficult to get 4 people in arena when range is 8, how harder it is to get 4 people in arena when the bracket is reduce? Here is my counter argument. Peeps in low end of bracket knows they will die and when pair against a person in the high end, they will get minimal valor so they don't go to arena all together. Shrieking bracket will make fight a lot more even, base on how much they play, how creative they are in building their toon and how much they cash.(black_beer)
First of all stat gains between those levels are not that high it's the equipment that matters. Second of all you get more valor for same damage against player who has better stats/equipment.
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