Did not receive the first ever drop I won.

Heaven's Voice said I had received a Blue bracelet: Unique Bracelet of Resilience.
However, when I checked my bag a few minutes later (I only had a few minutes left on me artifact, so was trying to get a cpl last battle out of it) the bracelet was not in my pack.

I am actually a little upset about this because it was the first ever armor or weapons drop I have ever been awarded, and then I don't receive it. Is there a way for you to get it to me please?
Thanks ">">">
Heavens Voice also mentions others in chat who get unique drops, so it's possible you misread the message. Another option is you are/were in group and it went to group backpack.
No I was solo grinding for essence and materials for gear. It dropped from an Shrieking Grohl on the Outskirts of Valor City. And it dropped with several other items that I was working on getting. a water essence and a fur from a shrieking grohl.
If you look at my character, you will see that I have NEVER been in any group since starting the game. And all I have been doing for the last 2 days is solo grinding for essence and mats. With 2 or 3 7bs thrown in.
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