So close yet so far

I would like to say a very big thank you to all those that queued up for IW after the shaab boss fight. We were so close! (Had 17/18 and needed 20).

I would also like to mention that for Vortex we need at least 18. We could have done it! ">

I would like to encourage everyone to queue for Vortex (the bracket is 39-48) after the next shaab boss or shaab event.
I might turn 49 during shaab! ">

Everything gets taken off in Vortex automatically and then returned to you after Vortex. It's a special battleground where it only matters what you find inside. (Meaning that everyone is essentially equal. Yes you will still have your basic level stats but depending on gear you can find that isn't really anything to be considered as an advantage.)

If you want I can give you 3g for the bid and pay for you. I have no problem doing this if that's what it takes to get one going.

I already got that oked by Ihit so long as conditions say it's for Vortex, You will have to return the gold if the Vortex does not go. (Yes I will keep a list of who I give gold to)

We can do it! We have enough people to meet at least the minimum of 18 (max of 27) as proven today!

So please queue up for Vortex after the next event/boss. You can post here if you want to or just anonymously queue up.

If you need the 3g for the bid to get into Vortex pm me and I'll be happy to give it to you.

It is also part of the nephilim quest line just like IW and it comes in line before IW! (Yes you can pay reals to skip but if I'm paying you to join and participate in Vortex why would you pay out of your own pocket to skip?)

To repeat to make it clear: I am willing to pay the gold for you to join.

Personal question: Now, if I'm going to pay for you to make it free for you why would you not go?
we could have started it but gazza wanted 7b
This thread is about Vortex and Individual Warrior so let me put on my thinking cap on since admin seems to sit with fingers and head down.

You know how you can only get zikkar to upgrade green gear in fort razed? How about making a widget you can only get at Vortex island to upgrade blue gear???

You know how you need to charge the zikkar up during Day of Battle Fury in the battleground pvp area? How about charging the widget up at the IW???

You know how, ohh forget it cause I know nothing and I am out now.
ThisNsihT Let's stay on topic please. That is totally off topic.

The topic is about people joining Vortex. The topic is not about zikkars and widgets.

OK guess topic isn't getting 18 peeps to start Vortex. Won't see me there ever then

OK guess topic isn't getting 18 peeps to start Vortex. Won't see me there ever then

The topic is about people joining Vortex. The topic is not about zikkars and widgets.
Seriously, go bother other people, you're spamming posts with your off-topic texts.

I totally forgot about vortex... If you want, I will join
I totally forgot about vortex... If you want, I will join

Thank you. Do you want me to give you the gold for it?

Going to try for Vortex tomorrow during/after tomes and if that doesn't go then try for defiler in battlegrounds day. lastly try after the final shaab boss fight. If interested please post here or PM me with which day/time your going to do Vortex and i'll give you the gold and add you to my list.
naah I'll be fine, ty though
We will queue up for the Vortex on 10/19. It is 3 gold. We are not queuing up for the 1.5r one. If you need the gold pm me or post here and I'll be happy to give it to you.
i didnt do 7b i qued for it xxxx
As of now I have pmed every 39-48 I could find be them clanned or unclanned, offline or online today and yesterday about doing Vortex tomorrow 10/19. The one that is 3g.

If it does not go then I don't know how the hell I'm supposed to get one ever going.
Sir Gazza,

Yeah right.
Excuses. You just didn't wanna get wrecked.
_Mindless_Prodigy_Sir Gazza,

Yeah right.
Excuses. You just didn't wanna get wrecked.

Stop it. This post is about getting people to Vortex not about you and Gazza, Take it pm. 21:42 Or I'll have to kill you again :P
mindless i now i was qued up for vortex lmao if u dont believe me really dont care if u do or dont ok also everone love everone ">
Sir Gazzamindless i now i was qued up for vortex lmao if u dont believe me really dont care if u do or dont ok also everone love everone ">

If you and mindless are going to keep talking about it please take it to pm. It's getting annoying how many people post off topic or kill threads by having flame discussions/wars.
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