team making system

you should have a better way of making teams for arena then by lvl.... there are rarely any even fight almost always one sided.... sometimes u end with 6 pots left cause ur on a stacked team... and other times its the whole other team vs you because that teams stacked.... fights are already decided before they even begin.....

Thanks, Ducky
Gotta agree, but not very easy for teams to be other else than level, sometimes I end up thinking its made from who has blue gear
ive noticed the same thing.
It won't be changed.
Level is the most dependable way.
yeah but they should be able to make it at least a lil bit fairer..... like calculate each characters strength and base it off that way....or something like that.... they are able to make different stats for replicants based off of ur strength so they should be able to do the same for teams.

thanks, ducky
A perfect example of the crap team - making engine -
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