Withdrawal symptoms.

It's been 12 minutes since you took away DE. I can't cope anymore. Must... get... crops...

Not sure I'll make it through 8 hours. It just might kill me. ">

You must stay strong!
I'm experiencing shakes and a rapid heartbeat. There should be a helpline I can call to deal with this
Solitaire just isn't a good substitute.
I was forced to parent my children. Oh the horror
mmm cake
First time for everything
Natsu Dragneel 112EllieJay,
First time for everything

I don't like it! ">
lolol, come on here before work, and see everyone dying already.
Good luck with the merger and looking forward to the additional gamers coming to this server. I hope this all goes smoothly. Thanks again for the heads up about the shut down.
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