Aren't they suppose to take turns coming?
Merchant of curiousity's came last, and he's coming again?
Don't tell me trader of rarities was removed.
I think one of the news posts or Ihit posts said he wouldn't be coming.
We were told when the hero/insignia chests were removed that we shouldn't worry because trader of rarities would be here monthly so we could buy these buffs for gold. It came twice, and haven't seen it since.

I would like to know why it has not come, and if it will not be back, why we were lied to in order to placate us about the insignia chests.
Rarwities is the one that came last curiosities is showing up in about 12 days. Shows up on my map

Curiosities showed up last time, I remember I used the
"Melvin so greedy selling parcels at 12R, buy mine at 12G" catchy trade phrase.
And I didn't see rarities since.
The post where they announced the changes to the wars is where they said he wasn't coming back right away

That was awhile go
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