Clans and the Feudal system.

Clans are like Feudal lords, under a guardian prince.
The prince has rules but as long as those rules are kept he doesn't bother the other lords.

The stronger lords find this to there liking and tax the lessor lords for means of arming themselves (buying blue armor with clan battle winnings)
in case one of the other strong lords attacks.

Because the strong lords know this they rarely attack another strong lord and instead try to tax the weaker lords (hopefully without killing them off in the process because they are their bread and butter)

The main problem I see in this system is that the weaker clans can't band together to fight off the greater clans like in real life
(hold a lands-meet). Or form special alliances with other lords to attack when one of the lords cant control his own vassals. (Having clan members B'cing players even after they agreed that they would stop, or B'cing during a clan war when they had an agreement not to.)

I once played a game that had a system of treaties that could be bought, (one for non-agression) (one fore allience) (one to go to war if the other lord goes to war) stuff like that.Record could be kept for how often a clan breaks a treaty, and titles given for such as most honorable clan, Mercenarys, and such.

Problems with the princes laws and clans.

A clan can be robbed for anything less than 50g and its the clans problem.
A player gives money to and alt (any small amount will do) and the player will get jailed for it.(power leveling)
(Does that mean that all a player has to do to bypass the princes laws is to steal small amounts of money from a clan???)
Personally the if the lord of a clan alerts the king to to a thief (Which should still be under the 30% rule weather from a clan chest or auction)
the the king should send his guards to hunt the thief down and have him return the items in question.

Games don't really follow any kind of logic like that though... and they are always evolving as more and more players join.
This usually causes drama and internal struggles within any clan for power and profit.

Just my thought for the day.


That's exactly what it all is, a political game ">">
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