
WarWolf clan story

In the snow lands north of the Vaalor and Sadan lands was a small tribal town of warriors. Living deep away from other men the wolf clan were naturally born strong and isolated. Very rarely did they venture from their hunting grounds other than to go to a trading post to part with their spoils for things they need. Such as iron or medicines. Or things they wanted such as sweet wines. The wolves were raised to a code. For the pack for the hunt. What is done is for the best for all the wolves. But that was not always so. One day the wife of the village chief gave birth to twin boys.

Things were different in the wolf tribe than other lands. The people of the wolf were given two names. One when they are born and one when they finish their hunt into adult hood. Glandious was the strong son of the chief. Favored to inherit his fathers place as chief. While Rolnoix (Rol is sounded Roll and the I is silent) was not lacking in ability he was no match for his brother. While Glandious had many friends. Men and especially women. Rolnoix kept to himself. Glandious was a showoff as Glandious was reserved. Near opposites that were surprising to come from the same mother at the same time. On their fourteenth year each were given a spear and sent out into the wilds to live isolated for one month.

In a deep blizzard Glandious had become a man. Returning with pelts and other prizes of hunts. His two favorites came under his arms as he dropped his load. Glandious was now Grox. Grox knew his brother would not return now after sending him over a cliff with an arrow shaft in his side.

Rolnoix knew his brother was not going to let him become leader. There was too much difference between them to think otherwise. All he wanted to do was help his people any way he could. First off by becoming a man. Rolnoix did not see the shaft enter him but he did see where it came from. His brother had killed him. That was his thought when he fell off the cliff and into a river. A river that carried him to his savior.
Rolnoix awoke with a start and was even more so seeing a creature he had only heard about in front of him. Even the wolves know the dragons are sacred beings. “ Good you are awake.” Rolnoix would have gained some distance from the sharp teeth if the pain in his side would let him. “ You spoke.” The dragon nodded. “ And your alive. You are lucky I am lost and found you. I was following the water way and was fortunate to find you at the mouth of this cave. Two days now.” Rolnoix reached for a makeshift bowl of water and the dragon pushed it closer. “ You saved me so my life is yours. That is the way of the wolves.” After drinking the water Rolnoix laid back on his back and lost contentiousness once again.

Rolnoix had several episodes of being awake for short times. Each time he ate something or drank something. Each time the two talked a little bit. The dragon's name is Kaloso and he was with several other young dragons in a trip of learning of the lands of Adan. To be self reliant. The blizzard was sudden and he was unfortunate enough to be hit by the winds hard enough to be forced to land before being able to fly over them. He found the river and decided to follow it knowing it will eventually lead him back home. Now Kaloso had a companion for his travels.

Rolnoix healed fast and Kaloso kept his word and journeyed with the dragon. It took only two weeks for them to arrive at the Vaalor City gates. Kaloso was welcomed back openly by the teacher that lost him as confused as well of the human that knew nothing about dragons but what he learned from the one he traveled with.

Rolnoix reluctantly parted company with the dragon. His reward was a piece of an amulet. An amulet that eventually allowed the two to become bonded firmly together. An amulet that allows one to call on the other at any time. It had taken Rolnoix a full year to earn the other five pieces and half another for him to earn the money to journey back to his home once more.

Grox was cautious of the visitor warrior. He seemed familiar but strange at the same time. In front of the entire town, who had gathered to see the dragon, Rolnoix showed the healed shaft injury right below the birth mark of a wolves head. A well known mark of the lost older brother of the chief. “ I am now Genssin of the wolf clan. I present a bounty of knowledge for my people. Knowledge only shown and not told. I leave now no longer a wolf but of the dragons. I have swore my life to Kaloso, who saved my life when my own brother tried to take it. I say goodbye my people and with wishes of many good hunts to come.” Not soon after Grox was no longer chief nor was Genssin who return to Vaalor City to start the clan of WarWolves.
first daijan, now warwolves... you must get VERY bored at times.
Arstan Whitebeardfirst daijan, now warwolves... you must get VERY bored at times.

writing is my hobby... and I do have lots of time on my hands...

pt3 of clan story

Kaloso groomed his claw as Genssin straitened a chair at the table in the old clan hall. “ What do you wish now Kaloso?” Kaloso tossed a twig that got caught on his claw and looked at Genssin. “ That is obvious. Recruit members to the clan so we can pay rent on the hall. Perhaps I'll even find a few I could call colleagues. Maybe even life long friends. Think of something while we are both still young.” Genssin sighed. Kaloso was always better to get along with when he was in a fight against something. All successful organizations had three layers. Leadership, management and workers. He knew management could wait and he can be a leader. So it was workers he set out for.

“ So you are an avid warrior with some valor to your name and you are a skilled cook?” Bones nodded. “ I'm an earner. It is just my luck us two have not found anywhere to belong to.” Genssin looked at Bones and his partner dragon. Who seemed that they should be accepted right away to this dump called a clan hall. “ I could open my doors and accept twenty new members into my clan by the end of the day. Give me one reason why I should pick you over them.” Bones leaned forward on the table. “ Because I know where you can find more worthy people than those twenty.”

Genssin and Kaloso met Zalex and Kyaxeen at a cafe the next morning. As the dragons ate a delightful meal of fish and beast tenderloin the two others ate some meat rolls. “ An associate of mine tells me you are a capable fighter. Zalex nods. “ More than just. I will stand toe to toe against any near my combat division rankings. Over or under. All this.” Zalex gestured to his worn but strong equipment. “ I earned with hard blood and lots of sweat. Both of ours. I do not pretend it was easy but it was worth the time.” Genssin thinks on that a bit. “ Tell my why we should let you two cross married join WarWolves?” Kaloso backed away surprised. “ Wait, what? She is his mate! I've been putting my best moves on her. Even paying for this pricy meal.” Kyaxeen eats her fruit tart quickly before joining the conversation. “ Me and Zalex went threw the soul trials together but 'mating' is not possible for us. And Kaloso your moves are as old as the great ones themselves. Your not the first one to try them on me. As for you Genssin I will give you two reasons. One the Dajjan clan. The one me and my mate are part of has been dying for about half a year now. And two it lasted that long because of Zalex and Vala.”

Guttz walked over to winery crossroads and read the signpost to see if he can find any new jobs. He scratched his chin as he looked over the postings. “ What do you think Junior? Any you think we can do so we can eat?” Guttz hears a voice threw the amulet that he earned that connects him to his partner dragon. “ It does not matter. I will tear them to shreds.” Then an echo of the dragons' stomachs grumbled and Guttz did as well. “ Who are we kidding. Let us just do those jobs we normally do.” Guttz turned and sighed wishing for one big payday. One big break. Then next in line to see the postings noticed the sigh. “ You know I need someone to help with this elite. All my colleagues are busy. You can keep the fight reward. I just need credit for the kill.” Guttz turned to the stranger not sure to accept the offer or not. “ And why should I help you? I don't even know you.” The stranger smiled and stuck out his hand. “ The name is Genssin and I'm the leader of the WarWolves.”

Valaorian sat beside her friend Zalex that she knew for many years. It was chance and planning that they were back in the same clan once again. This time neither of them held the mantle of leadership and neither of them wanted it. “ This meeting is now in order. First to welcome new members and old for attendance.” Each member in attendance stands to be recognized. From Bone, the head of stores to Zalex who was the self proclaimed wise man but only an enforcer everyone thought a wives tale then there was Guttz who was one of the 'greener' members but still a capable fighter. The newest member was her and she stood before roll call was finished. “ Currently our resource stores are fair. We need more hunter crafting material and our fish stores are low as well. We won the friendly war with 7th last week but I had to let a few go who broke a few of the rules that were preset. To those that paid even though the clans stores were open I thank you and to those that took equipment need to return them or pay for the lending fee. Now for final matters. Kaloso and I have been discussing the future of the clan and we have come to the decision to have an in house competition. There will be three parts to this. The first being a tournament between all clan members. Recently we have been getting a surplus of cash and it is time you all are rewarded so whoever wins the competition will receive a week vacation in the Linear Springs.” Many of the clan members made yells for praise and excitement. Neither Valaorian nor Zalex rejoiced. Vala was well connected financially and had family that worked at the springs. She could get a pass there any time she desired. Zalex only raised his hand to stroke Kyaxeen's neck. Vala was sure he would try to win but he would not take the prize. She knows what happened the last tie the two of them were there.
---part 5---

Guttz there was some sick irony being paired against one of the weakest members of the clan against the leader. Who was amongst the strongest. The fights had two parts. Dragon against dragon and man versus man. Guttz looks across the field and sees Junior fighting to his heart content. He was happy because he got paired against an easier opponent than him on his first match. His elemental breath and Elisabeth colliding was a display of beauty and destruction at the same time. “ I hope your ready Genssin. I'm not holding back.” Genssin smiled as he called back. “ Nor do I want you to. Show me everything you got pup. Show me how you have grown.”

Guttz laid in the infirmary for a good four hours as he was treated by the light of the healing crystal. Beside him were several other clan members. Both human and dragon. He was on the end and the one beside of him was Kyaxeen. To her side was Freeko who was still out from the fight. As soon as she got done nursing her limb she looked to her side at Guttz. “ Your partner sure knows how to fight. I watched before my match and I'm impressed. I see concentration on his elemental breath attacks allowed him to proceed to the next round.” Guttz remembers Zalex partner was an expert at both bite and breath. “ So how did you lose?” Kyaxeen looked away a little bashful. “ Kaloso is very strong. I held my own against him for a time but in the end his equipment and training is better than mine. Give me time and armor I would beat him.” The healing light over Kyaxeen then changed from blue to green showing she had been treated under the crystal magic to it's fullest abilities. “ I wish your partner well in the future rounds. He is a favorite among the younger members.” Kyaxeen then got up and left. Soon the vacant dragon bed was occupied by another who was hurt in the tournament.
all I can say is wow
Im Looking to join a clan..... and could use some guidance on how to lvl up faster......
Great story, can't wait for the next installment.
currently I'm waiting on comments and such from other clan members. I do not like writing about real players without their consent or input about what I write. sry but you got to wait a little longer.
--- part 6---

Arlieanna and Soonsarna stood behind their partner humans Dunkin and Nalatan beside the alter of soul unions as the high priest finished ceremony. The two human souls were warriors and fought each other till exhaustion in front of the entire clan that welcomed them both with open arms. For this glorious day of union the tournament between the clan was put on hold and the prize was given to the two as a wedding present. Arlieanna and Soonsarna was very eager to hurry off to the sulfur pools and dip their tails in the rich soothing liquid. The two had been friends sense eggs and were glad to be together longer after the choosing of partners took place. The newly weds encountered each other for the first time during the trials and because the two dragons were always meeting their two human partners were drawn together as well. The two had very simple rules they live by when it comes to disputes and thou they rarely agree on anything after a minute of discussion the wedding was welcome. Arlieanna soon carried Dunkin and Soonsarna soon carried Nalatan to the wedding wagon where Zalex was the driver. Chosen because he was the only one left in the competition that knew the way. The two dragons trailed as the white ribbons flew in the wind and the white canopy shook as the wagon moved. “ We should have put the cover all the way down and latched.” Arlienna nodded in agreement before noticing Zalex waving them forward. “ Show some respect and keep quiet. Back away some after we leave the populous if you like but respect their love.” The two stopped and looked at each other. They wordlessly agreed on to respect the words of the ones who love transcends bodily form.
Nice story
I like it. ">
i love it. xxx
currently I have no more planned to be written at this time. SRY!">
good story actually :D
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